Third Quarter Crime Stats

October 1st started our final quarter of the fiscal year.  As we do every month, we took a look at the crime trends and compare those to previous years.

I don't want to jinx the process but it looks like we are staying pretty stable compared last year with only a slight increase.  All this could change up or down during the final three months.

In the year 2012 we had 943 committed offenses during the first 9 months of the year.  This year that number rose to 993.  Last year we took reports on 26 felony cases compared to 28 this year.  Total arrests last year were at 51 while this year we are at 48 for this time period.

We took 11 people into protective custody each year. 

During this year we had two armed standoffs both of which ended with no one hurt.  Our conviction rate is pretty high.  I don't recall losing any court cases in either year.

As October 1st approaches we enter into our budget preparation season.  During this time, the Chief and staff of the police department look at what we feel is necessary to provide a safe community.  If we had a crystal ball, this process would be real easy.  Since we don't we have to look at trends in the community and what is going on around us. 

The process involves us preparing a budget.  That budget goes to the Board of Selectmen who complete their own budget.  The Selectmen's Budget then goes to the Budget Committee who increases or decreases the Selectmen's Budget.

What we would like to do this year is create a survey of the taxpayers on what they expect and would like to see from the police department.  I will post the survey on Facebook, the town website and make forms available at our Association Fish Fry.  I would ask folks to take a minute and take a look at the Survey.  The reason we ask is we work for the taxpayer.  It is important when we make a recommendation to our Elected Officials that we are able to say this is what the taxpayer wants or does not want.  The ultimate decision is made at Town Meeting.

We tried to hold the line last year and the town's folks were great by providing us with some badly needed equipment.  We asked late in the budget process for an additional patrol rifle as well as a ballistic shield for the safety of our officers.  The rifle was ordered and purchased.  The ballistic shield request has been submitted to the Board of Selectmen for approval.

As we approach the budget season, I will post here to keep the taxpayers informed.  We would ask that you consider showing up to some of the meetings to make sure what you want is actually put forward to the voters.  In the past we have heard comments that people are afraid to speak up as they feel the police will have hard feelings.  I want to make sure that people understand that we work for you and what you want matters.  We will provide the best services we can with the funding allocated to us.  We had a great turn out at the Budget Public Hearing last year and hope to repeat that process this year.  If you have questions, you can reach the chief at or email me at
