2013 is just around the corner. With the New Year comes changes for us at the Police Department.

During the Hurricane we put together a quick face book page to communicate with our residents. We received positive feedback on this and it has turned out to be a pretty good communication tool.

While speaking to people in Town, I constantly hear, we know you are busy but we don't know what you do or what goes on. This is a pretty serious statement considering that we work for and are funded by the Town's people.

At the police department we take the good with the bad and always strive to make ourselves better. You spoke and we listened. We are going to be releasing blogs on what we do and how it impacts you as a resident. We are going to fill the gap with electronic articles to communicate with our residents. Most of the time when people see us, they are in some type of crisis. I kind of chuckle when people ask me, are you new on the force? Since I work nights, most people are sleeping or nestled in and don't see me unless they have a problem.

So as we approach 2013, we are going to write about who we are. For instance did you know the police department in your Town has over one hundred years of police experience when you add up all our service years? Did you know that our members train with the United States DEA and United States FBI? Did you know that we have an Attorney who is an officer and one of our officers is a mechanical engineer?

We will talk about changes in the law. 2013 brings changes to the State's DUI laws. After January 1 you can be arrested for driving under the influence of any prescription drug and over the counter medication provided that you show signs of impairment. 2013 also brings changes to the Right to Know Law where we are mandated to make certain arrest information public. We will use these blogs to release arrest information and press releases. Many of our friends in the press monitor our Twitter Account. This will help get information to you and make their life easier.

We will speak about important meetings and issues that effect how your police department runs. We will talk about our impact on your taxes. Did you know for every $1800.00 we spend, taxes are increased 1 cent. We will speak about our budget and why we do things certain ways or need certain equipment. Most importantly, through our blog and posts, we will encourage feedback from the Community.

During these economic times, it is no surprise that many homes consist of two person working parents or single parents working two jobs. Little time is left over to attend meeting or keep informed. It is our hope that these blogs, bring information to the taxpayers and residents of the Community and allow you a way to provide us with positive feedback. Positive Feedback can include a good job but it can also be hey we don't want this or I wish you would do things a different way.

In closing, I hope everyone has a great and happy New Year. Please be safe and smart. The last thing that any police officer wants to do is arrest someone for DUI or knock on a door and bring tragic news. You can help with both by using a designated driver. If you plan on celebrating, please do not drive.
